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News, Updates, Recent Events

Know Your Roe

While many of us love fish, there’s one subset of seafood that sometimes can intimidate or overwhelm...


Uwajimaya | Remodeled Seattle Store Front

Working to Ensure the Vitality of the CID – and the Region

We are so grateful for your support of Uwajimaya and the CID as Sound Transit continues its...

Uwajimaya | Grocery - Soy Sauce

A Guide to Different Types of Soy Sauce

Soy sauce is everywhere in Asian cooking across tons of cuisines. Originally created in China thousands of...


Our Response to Sound Transit’s WSBLE DEIS

Sound Transit’s expansion plans for new West Seattle Ballard Link Extensions (WSBLE) will have significant disruptions and...

Uwajimaya | Blog - Pickled Vegetables - Kyurizuke

A Guide to Japanese Pickled Vegetables

Pickling has been around for… well, do we know, actually? Regardless, it’s been around a really, really,...


Uwajimaya | Konbumaki

About the 8 Different Types of Japanese Seaweed

 Seaweed has been growing in popularity in North America for a long time. Yet still, western familiarity...

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6 Frozen Foods to Make in Your Air Fryer

Air fryers may have started out as just another kitchen gadget fad but have since become a...

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Taste of Miyagi at Seattle Uwajimaya

Discover of the flavors of Japan's Miyagi Prefecture at our Seattle Store March 2-15, 2022.

New Uwajimaya website

Introducing the New Website!

With our latest redesign, our goal was to make the Uwajimaya experience easier to navigate and more...

Japanese curry

Japanese Curry

Japanese Dishware

Japanese Dishware

Our beautiful selection of Japanese plates and bowls are sure to elevate anyone's dining experience.