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Goji Berries 

Also called wolfberries, goji are the berries found on the Chinese boxthorn and Chinese wolfberry plants. They’re native to East Asia, where most commercial goji berries are grown.

These berries can be eaten fresh or, most commonly, dried, in which case they appear kind of like an oblong, orange-red raisin — or even from a distance like a mini sun-dried tomato! They’re also available in powdered form, and other parts of the plant are also edible or useful in skincare: Oil can be extracted from the seeds and, along with the berry itself, immature shoots and leaves have culinary uses. 

The flavor of goji berries ranges depending on variety and how they’re grown, but generally they’re slightly tangy and sweet. Different varieties can range, however, to be quite tart and sour or to be far more on the sweet side of the spectrum. 

Goji berries can be used like other dried fruits in trail mix or used in baked goods such as cookies and muffins.  Steeping dried berries to make goji berry tea is also a popular way to enjoy them.  In Chinese cuisine, goji berries are added to soups and stews as they add a slight sweetness to savory dishes. 

While goji berries have been subject to exaggerated (and sometimes downright untrue) pseudo-scientific claims the last couple decades, we can happily say that they do have real nutritional value too; along with containing lots of vitamins — especially A and C — they’re also high in antioxidants. 

You can find dried goji berries at Uwajimaya in our grocery department.