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Gỏi Cuốn 

Although they go by many different names on English-language menus, gỏi cuốn is the native name for the fresh, Vietnamese rice paper spring rolls that are a staple appetizer at Vietnamese restaurants. The term gỏi cuốn translates to “salad rolls” in English, which accurately describes the nature of this dish.

Unlike many types of spring rolls, gỏi cuốn are not hot and fried. Instead, they are served cold (or at least not hot), wrapped in lightly hydrated rice paper which gives them a fresh, springy texture that is somehow just as satisfying as crunchy fried spring rolls but in a completely different way. This is especially the case because of the springiness of both the wrapping and the shrimp once you bite into it all together.  

The standard filling for gỏi cuốn includes shrimp, sliced pork, vermicelli noodles, and greens, but just like so many foods, these fillings can pretty much be whatever you want. Others that complement the flavor and texture could be mint, cilantro or shredded carrot.  

Other than the wrapping and filling, gỏi cuốn are served alongside different sauces like hoisin or peanut sauce, or a sweet umami fish sauce for dipping. And while they are everywhere at Vietnamese restaurants, they’re also quite easy to make. (Plus, they only take a few basic ingredients, all of which are easy to find at Uwajimaya!)